Longtime Palos Verdes residents Chris and Gill Moore have lived in Palos Verdes for 56 years. They raised two daughters, Kia (Conn) and Carrie (McKay), on the hill who attended Montemalaga Elementary School, Malaga Cove School and Palos Verdes High School. In addition, they have four grandchildren, two of them (Stephanie and Johnny), who grew up going to schools in the PVPUSD.
Chris Moore was a member of the PVPUSD Board of Education from 1973-1978 and a member of the PEF Board of Trustees from 1980-84. Deep-rooted in our community, Chris and Gill are loyal and committed supporters of public education. “My wife and I moved to Palos Verdes long ago because of the outstanding schools and community,“ said Chris. “We continue to give to PEF so that the current and future families can benefit from our excellent schools. Our top-rated schools are what makes Palos Verdes such a special place.”
With the support of alumni donors like Chris and Gill Moore, PEF is able to promote academic excellence, innovation and provide sustained financial support to PVPUSD.
Meet PV High Senior Christine Xie: A Beacon of Excellence!
Christine is a remarkable testament to the impact of quality education and unwavering support. From a young age, her curiosity and dedication has set her on a path of academic excellence and personal growth. Her journey, however, would not have been the same without the opportunities provided by supporters like you!

With a senior at Peninsula High School, Junah and Bada are aware of the importance of the College and Career Center. “There are so many questions that come up about the college application process, letters of recommendations and college visits. We are so glad that the CCC is available for students and parents. My husband and I prioritize giving to PEF because we can support such an important service.”
We are thankful for our school family supporters who donate each year to PEF. Your commitment helps to provide a rich academic environment and strengthens our children’s educational experience. If you would like to donate to PEF, please go to pvpef.org.
Sharon Lee, a junior at Peninsula High School, discovered her deep passion for music when she first laid her hands on a violin back in the 4th grade at Rancho Vista Elementary School. Over the years, her dedication and love for music grew, and now she proudly holds the position of principal viola player in Peninsula’s Advanced Orchestra.
“I am fortunate that PEF funded music programs when I was in elementary school. It gave me the opportunity to explore, and it exposed me to the world of music which played a pivotal role in shaping who I am and my passion for the arts,” said Sharon.
Sharon also has volunteered more than 150 hours with the South Bay Youth Orchestra and is the treasurer of Peninsula High’s Music National Honor Society.
Thanks to your generous donations to PEF, Sharon and many other students like her have a bright future, filled with the beauty and inspiration of music.

Grant-Funded VEX GO Kits Turns Classroom into Hub of Innovation

Mira Catalina’s dedicated 5th-grade teacher, Heidi Hiatt, was honored with the Chuck Miller Teacher Grant Award last year, a testament to her commitment to enhancing her students’ education. With the grant’s support, she introduced the exciting world of STEM to her classroom by acquiring VEX GO kits. These innovative kits enabled her students to dive into the world of robotics, designing their launch pads, spaceships and Mars buggies while learning how to to code to bring their creations to life.
Heidi expressed her delight, saying, “I was amazed to see my shy and quiet kids come to life. It allowed new students to become leaders in the classroom and become more confident.” This transformative experience exemplifies the incredible impact of dedicated educators and STEM education on our students’ growth.
Dianna Chooljian, M.D. and Jeffrey Gunzenhauser, M.D. are supportive PEF donors who still donate year after year, even after their kids are grown and are out of the district. They continue to live in the community and appreciate the quality of PV schools.
Dianna and Jeffrey met in medical school in Washington DC., retired from the military and set up private practice in Southern California. After carefully researching school districts throughout Los Angeles for their family, they chose Palos Verdes and are very happy they did. Their two children attended PVIS and PVHS and were active in sports and school programs. Their oldest, Robert, ran varsity track all four years and participated in MUN, Mock Trial and Academic Decathlon. He has since graduated from Harvard and Wake Forest Medical School. Their youngest, Christina, played on the JV and varsity tennis teams and participated in MUN, Mock Trial and PVHS Science Club (state finalist). She has since graduated from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and UPENN Law School.
Dianna and Jeffrey continue to support PEF because they are strong advocates of education. They know the positive impact schools and supporting programs can make in children’s lives. They draw motivation from the Winston Churchill quote, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”PEF thanks Dianna and Jeffrey for their long-time support of education and our PVPUSD students.